Wednesday 21 October 2009

College Magazine Evaluation

My magazine cover uses the conventions of real media products and displays them to my pleasing. I have tried to incorporate many of my favourite elements of real magazines into my own and have twisted them slightly in order for them to suit my preference. In terms of development I have taken the microelements from other magazines and applied them using my own tools and style. I believe this challenges many forms of real media products as my cover displays a unique and understanding style.

In psychographic terms the audience for my magazine would have to be; aspirers and individualists aged 16 – 21 being both male and female. However I also believe that other groups such as traditionalists may find my cover attractive as I have used a much more sophisticated approach to creating a college magazine than other people targeting the same audience. For example, I have chosen to use a serif font for the masthead instead of the obvious choice being sans serif as in my opinion this conveys a more professional look and feel.

In order to address my audience I have chosen to go for a rather mixed style of traditional and unique editing. I have done this by incorporating my favourite aspects of each style and coordinated them in colour and positioning which in effect portrays a calm, approachable feel.

From constructing this product I have learnt that in order to gain an attractive style that appeals to a wide audience can really only be achieved when using modern technologies such as Photoshop and Quark express. Both of these can be used in order to change the appearance of a subject effectively creating a better and more assuring product. For example many of todays top magazines use software such as Photoshop in which they can airbrush people to give the aspect of perfection coinciding with believability. This proves how important technology of today has become and the effect it has on making a successful media

Monday 12 October 2009

College magazine cover page

This is my magazine cover, here i have incorperated an image of a friend and photoshopped it to produce a much more professional look and feel to it.

College mag contents page

This is my final magazine contents page. I have taken numerous elements from my research into other mags and put forth a selection of my favourite in order to make this.