Wednesday 9 December 2009

Main Task: Magazines

My task is to create a music magazine cover within my specific choice of genre. I will also be looking to create a contents page and double page spread in order to explain more about my chosen music genre.

I have decided that the music cover I would like to produce would be based on many of the rock magazines in circulation today, for example; Hush, Rock and Uncut, these will be some of the influences I would like to research in helping me make a professional cover.

Key Dates for the project:

January 8th - Research and planning.

February 12th - Media production deadline

March 5th - Evaluation Deadline

Magazine 1: "Q",

Audience: The magazine has targeted a more radical audience of 15-30 which is what i will be trying to persue when creating my own.

Main Contents: Indie bands, Metal, Rock, Interviews, Gig reviews.

Brand identity: This is a more radical targeted magazine, downmarket less sophisticated audience. Aimed at students who consisder themselves trendy and reject the mainstream music genre.

Magazine 2 ''MixMag''

Audience: The magazine has targeted a much more mainstream audience here that of which is of a wider age range aswell. However, I will not be trying to convey this particular style when creating my own magazine.

Main contents: R&B artists, pop, new wave, urban genres. interviews, artist thoughts.
Brand identity: This is a more upmarket publication for people who like music in general and is for the vast mainstream audience of today who seek the more comercialised pop acts. I feel the magazine is targeted for a younger audience as the artists/groups shown within the magazine and of course on the cover show a typical representation of todays teen society.

Magazine 3 '' BBC Music''

Audience: I feel that this magazine is targeted at a traditionalist audience that would like to uphold dominatnt ideology perhaps. The cover tells me that the targeted age range would be the older generation as todays teen culture is steriotypically far more radical and challenges domionant ideology in order to look 'cool'.
Main Contents: I far more detailed and in depth discussion of classical music including choir promotions and interviews with the composers.
Brand identity: I beleive this is an upmarket sophisticated publication for people that take classical music seriously. I can see this from looking at the cover and seeing that it incorperates a serif font which indicates class and perhaps upper class.